Dijkgraaf considers support for Ukrainian students
Educational institutions want the Ministry of Education to help pay for support for more than five hundred Ukrainian refugee students.
Offer refugee students the same facilities as Dutch students and pay attention to Ukrainians says the foundation for refugee students UAF together with mbo-institutions, colleges and universities in a letter to Education Ministers Dijkgraaf and Wiersma. The issue was discussed in the House of Representatives on Wednesday.
Ukrainian refugee students come from outside the European Economic Area and should therefore have to pay the higher tuition fees. To ease the pain, colleges and universities have lowered their fees this year to the amount paid by Dutch students. The letter writers are now calling on the government to make this possible for the coming years as well.
Dijkgraaf contributed EUR 3.3 million this spring for emergency student assistance. But he did not want to reimburse the reduction in institutional tuition fees at the time. Wiersma is going to discuss with Dijkgraaf what is possible, but wants to avoid any “differentiation based on where someone comes from”. According to him, Dijkgraaf is brooding on a plan and will soon send a letter to the House of Representatives.
HOP, Peer van Tetterode

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