
Digital security on the back burner

Digital security on the back burner



Extra money for cyber security for universities and universities of applied sciences? That is for the next Cabinet to decide, writes outgoing Education Minister Van Engelshoven.

In a letter to the Dutch Parliament, Van Engelshoven responds to an alarming report by the Education Inspectorate, which was made public almost a fortnight ago. The report states that higher education should receive more money to become more digitally resilient.


She wants to make agreements with the higher education sector this autumn ‘that each institution is periodically externally audited’, meaning that each institution will have expert outsiders assess the state of its cyber security. She will also discuss this proposal with the scientific organisations NWO and KNAW.

Universities are responsible for their own security and set their own IT budgets. Extra expenditure is therefore at the expense of education, research or facilities, which sometimes makes it difficult to weigh up the pros and cons, according to the Inspectorate’s report. Support from the Government would help. (HOP, Bas Belleman)


HOP Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau

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