Delta asked students on campus and on social media how they feel about the coronavirus and the measures taken to combat it. How are the fraternities handling the situation?
(Photo: Marjolein van der Veldt)
Fraternities: Kriminele cancelled
To start with the latter, the Delftsch Studenten Corps (DSC) has announced that it is closing its sorority and student disco Lorre until 1 April. This means that all activities and meetings falling within this period will be cancelled. The three day Kriminele event, which was planned for next week, had to be cancelled. ‘We are currently looking into the options of postponing this event, providing the developments surrounding the coronavirus allow it,’ DSC President Noémi Los emailed us.
DSC is taking the situation seriously, Los emphasizes. The fraternity has advised all its members on several occasions to follow the advice of the authorities, to avoid social contact if possible and not to participate in larger meetings.
Student fraternity D.S.V. Sint Jansbrug has also taken precautions. It is not holding its open dinner and has cancelled drinks and events until 1 April. “We will still have committee meetings, but we will use plastic disposable cups to drink from,” says Effie Leijten.
‘We have many flyers on hygiene guidelines’
K.S.V. Sanctus Virgilius is also keeping a close eye on the news and will strictly follow the guidelines issued by the health services. “We have many flyers on hygiene guidelines in our building and we have sent an official message to all our members with instructions,” says Samuel Bronkhorst. “Luckily, we have not planned any large events in the coming days, but we are making plans to postpone or cancel other events. We will share our experiences and knowledge with TU Delft and other fraternities.”
Campus: do not be scared
At the Faculty of Industrial Design, we met Natasa, who has family in Italy. She feels that students on campus are not really worried about the situation. “I think we should all be a little bit more careful. Don’t get me wrong, I am against panic behaviour. We can all live as usual, but we should pay more attention to personal hygiene and not go to any large events.” Natasa sees some differences between Italy and the Netherlands. “I think that Dutch people live more individual lives. In Italy, everyone is used to having dinner together and to doing group activities. That is why the coronavirus spread so quickly.”
‘People should not be scared’
Nihar, an Indian master’s student at the Faculty of 3mE, mostly worries about not being able to travel and see his family. “Statistically, the mortality rate of the coronavirus is only 2-3%, so I am not worried about it. People should not be scared. I am only worried that my family cannot come to the Netherlands in an emergency.” Nihar does think it is important to take care of his health. He started eating lots of oranges.
Instagram: train the counsellors
On Instagram, various opinions were shared with Delta. Our followers seem concerned. Saeed writes: “TU Delft should ask students and employees to work from home and encourage students to take it very seriously. The library and dining areas are places where the virus can spread easily.” TU Delft also acknowledged this. As of today, educational activities at TU Delft have been cancelled and several buildings are closed.
‘Young people can do more to protect the vulnerable’
Carmen also shared her worries via Instagram. “I think people are not worried in general, unless the virus affects them or someone they know. It is sad that there are people who will get seriously ill and even pass away. In my opinion, young people can do more to protect the vulnerable.”
According to Johnny, TU Delft counsellors should be better trained to inform students about the situation. “When we ask about what to do in case we do not feel well, professors tell us to go to the counsellors, but they are also unable to help.”
- Follow the guidelines of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) if you have a cold, cough, sore throat or fever. From 13 March 2020 until at least 31 March 2020, no on campus courses will be given at TU Delft. As far as possible, teaching will be done online. Follow our liveblog to stay up-to-date.
Muriël van Oers / Freelance redacteur

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