Corona compensation for seniors only
Halfway through your studies and already delayed by corona? Unfortunately, only graduates will get compensation. And that will remain the case for the time being. A scheme to extend this to others was rejected yesterday by one vote in the Lower House of Parliament. Since March, universities and universities of applied science have pulled out all the stops to keep their education running. Nevertheless, it is inevitable that some students will be delayed because of the corona crisis.
Anyone who obtains a higher professional education (HBO) or university master’s degree between September 2020 and the end of January 2021 will therefore be reimbursed three months’ tuition fees. That gives these students EUR 535.
But why should only final-year students be able to claim this, PvdA Member of Parliament Kirsten van den Hul asked before the summer. She wants the Minister to extend the scheme, and to this end she and the SP and GroenLinks parties tabled a motion. Everything hung in the balance as the votes were tied. It was tense for weeks, but yesterday at last another attempt was made. But once again, Van den Hul did not manage to get a majority. During a roll-call vote, the motion was narrowly rejected by 66 votes to 65. The members of the governing parties, VVD, CDA, D66 and ChristenUnie, who were present voted against. (HOP, Evelien Flink)
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