CEG to train environmental engineers
As of September 2022 Environmental Engineering will be one of the new master’s programmes at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG). “We already have an environmental engineering track which is now covered by our current programmes, but there is knowledge about many other environment-related topics,” says Professor Merle de Kreuk. She is the Quartermaster for this new master’s programme. “We decided to bring everything together and offer a new course whose content is currently fragmented under the various programmes.”
The new master’s offers three tracks: Resources & Waste, Water and Air. Resources and Waste engineering deals with issues such as recycling, landfill, soil contamination and reuse. Water resources engineering is about drinking water preparation, wastewater treatment and urban water management. Atmospheric environmental engineering is about a liveable climate in cities, so about smog, heat islands or green roofs.
Previous education
De Kreuk believes that the new master’s programme will make education more attractive because “subjects are now coming together and there is a nice line running through the programme.” The study is open to students with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, aerospace engineering, maritime engineering, applied physics, nanobiology and mechanical engineering. Students of applied earth sciences can start after a short summer course, and students of molecular science & technology will also have to switch gears slightly. Other bachelors will have to catch up on more subjects before they can start.
The new master’s is part of a larger educational review taking place at CEG. The civil engineering and applied earth sciences master’s programmes will also be overhauled. More about this later. (JW)

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