
The bike of Krishna Chaitanya

Name: Krishna Chaitanya (India, MSc Computer Science Engineering)
Price: 80 euros
Brand: Kastle
Striking feature: Fantastic styling

My history with bikes isn’t a pleasant story,” reckons Krishna Chaitanya, recalling his many accidents and injuries falling off his bike back in India.

“I come from Mysore, a city in the hills of southern India. It can be quite difficult to ride out there,” he offers. He confesses that he hasn’t biked in a while. “After high school, I got a motorcycle, then a car when I started earning. Naturally, my biking became non-existent over the past several years! I’d heard lots about the Dutch way of travelling, and I came mentally prepared, of course. But getting physically prepared is a whole other story.” he says, laughing. “The foremost difficulty was balancing on two wheels after so many years. Once I re-learnt to balance, I was still disoriented with the traffic rules. In India, we drive on the left, but here it’s the other way around.”

“I’ve learned to like biking in a matter of weeks here, with the beautiful landscape and pristine air in the countryside,” he explains. “The special lanes for cyclists are a major advantage when you’re dependent on biking everyday, and I’m already feeling fitter, losing the weight I accumulated working. I hope the weather stays sunny, I would love to bike to the near-by cities over the weekend.”

“I’ve always been a gadget freak, and modern and sharp styling in a product is very important for me. The bike I bought caught my eye in an advertisement, and I started drooling over the many gears when I went to check it out. I decided I was going to get it, as soon as I saw the gears and paint job, and the fact being I have always wanted an awesome mountain-bike,” he says proudly, beaming at his bike and his business skills. “It has really good handlebars and fantastic brakes. The speedometer doesn’t work, but I’ll get to repairing it as soon as I have time.”

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