
The bike of….

Name: Johan Jannung (26, Sweden, industrial design)
Brand: Junkyard jumble
Price: €40
Striking feature: solid, ‘non-junky’ performance

Jannung’s bike is a cool one, with ‘Super Style’ written in reddish retro-style fonts on it.

It’s a single gear bike and he’s had only one flat tire since he bought it last December. “The bike looks fragile, but it’s surprising solid”, Jannung proudly states. “Although the back rack is the unpredictable part. Last Sunday I was biking home from the Delftse Hout with a friend sitting on the back when suddenly the rack gave way, taking my friend with it. Luckily neither of us was hurt.” The only complaint Jannung has about his bike is how it camouflages with all the other bikes: “I want to paint it in multiple colours so it’ll really stand out.”

Jannung was out bike shopping one day last December when a nice Dutch guy he met in the street told him to go to see some guy in a car junkyard in Delft who fixes up and sells bikes. “But my bike is an old bike the guy had and fixed up for me; it’s not one made of spare parts from his junkyard”, Jannung explains.

At home in Stockholm, Jannung has a better bike – a mountain bike with 24-gears and full front and rear suspension: “My bike at home is specially made to ride in forests, but my Dutch bike looks a lot cooler so I bought it!” In Sweden, bikers are more cautious than in Holland, Jannung says, and everyone wears helmets and protective gear: “But Sweden doesn’t have a dedicated road network for bikers like here. Holland is lucky to be able to afford such a sustainable solution.”

Op het dak van de bibliotheek wordt intussen noest doorgewerkt om aan het begin van het nieuwe collegejaar een kersvers grasdak te kunnen presenteren. Voor het einde van de collegejaar werden al met man en macht onder meer het gras, de onderliggende grond en lavakorrels weggehaald.

Meteen werd begonnen met het aanbrengen van een nieuwe, dikke en – naar verwachting – nu wel duurzaam waterdichte dakbedekking. Begin augustus werd er nog hard aan gewerkt. In september is lunchen op het grasdak weer mogelijk.

Editor Redactie

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