Letter to the editor

‘Ask Marja van Bijsterveldt to join the Executive Board’

Reader Huub van ’t Hart responded to the interview with Rector Tim van der Hagen about social safety on campus. He believes that he has found a solution – a particular individual.

In terms of important factors like employment opportunities, the economy, the hospitality sector, culture, housing development and so on, TU Delft is an elephant for a small city like Delft. This means that restoring the reputation of TU Delft as a safe employer immediately is not only important for TU Delft and its staff, but also for the city.

This will only happen if an external person is put in charge of recovering trust at TU Delft, and with it, its reputation. My suggestion is to ask Delft’s Mayor, Marja van Bijsterveldt, to take on this role in the Executive Board.

Delft’s municipal politics was a snake pit when she took office. Her integrity and the way she handled the people involved ended that culture almost immediately. I firmly believe that she can also put this into practice at TU Delft.

She was the Minister of Education in the past. This is relevant in a wider perspective too. She moved the somewhat cold relationship between the municipality and TU Delft strongly in the right direction. She can handle the Executive Board and Rector Tim van der Hagen well. I have personally experienced her exceptionally spiritual abilities.

I firmly believe that she can detonate the bomb threatening TU Delft’s good performance. This would be of incalculable value to TU Delft, its staff, as well as for Delft.

The only disadvantage would be the loss for the city that her departure would bring, but this would be compensated by a well-functioning TU Delft.

Huub van ’t Hart is the Coordinator of Nature Development at Natuurlijk Delfland KNNV. As one of its volunteers, he is involved in the biodiversity on the TU Delft campus.

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