Hè-hè… about time, Eurofools!… protest marches… diplomatic left-hooks & straight rights from Paris & Berlin… finally starting to pull your EUropean heads out of Mickey Mouse’s butt!..
. developing a healthy strain of Anti-Americanism… e0.9 to the US dollar!… Only money talks in the U$A!… Never forget that!…. e0.9 to the US dollar = Euro-fear!… You heard those US politicians… Europe dares disagree, Europe’s “evil”!… baby-talk… pathetically drudging up Europe’s paid-off WWII debt… yawn… children, how far you want to go back?… All the way?… If it wasn’t for Europe, there’d be no America!… You see it, a bullying Baby Huey wearing a stinky stars&stripes diaper, that’s Bush’s America… Weaken the EU politically & economically, that’s the bottom-line Yank-Brit goal… “old” Europe?…Finally, Europe has stopped behaving like Uncle Sam’s dog!… That’s new Europe, Dumbsfeld!… When I first arrived in Holland 13 years ago, a refugee from Reagan’s Sodom… to my dismay what did I find? Holland, Europe on its knees… swallowing America whole… lock stock & barrel… no questions asked… US plastic-pop-cultural-commercial crap pouring in by road rail & sea faster than you could say Mr. T!… backed by a flunky Mariah Carey beat!… You Dutch 30-somethings out there, I’ll never let you forget!… Remember!… cowboy boots… cowboy boots for christsakes! on all your Dutch feet… 13 years ago… puffing Marlboros… on every straat and plein new businesses opening with “America” or “USA” in their names… a wholesale “American-style” sellout… Cool, stylish Europe I’d read about in novels… disappeared up into Mickey’s small intestine!… I tried to warn my Dutch friends, America’s a brothel run by perverted marketing pimps who lust for your sons & daughters!… but they’d just stare at me incredulously, like a 4-year-old just told that Santa Claus doesn’t really exist… So it’s really not surprising Holland betrayed its EU brothers over Iraq…compared to Germany & France, Holland’s still lost in Mickey’s duodenum!… and besides, Holland is a nation of shopkeepers, that’s its ethos… middlemen, traders, Meneer 10%… the CDA-VVD are smart businessmen first… servicing the Yanks for a price… foreign investments, military supply contracts… This time Holland honors its commitments… good business practice, natuurlijk!… But next time the Dutch are good EUropeans… it takes time to disinvest…to escape from Mickey’s reet!… But man that new Franco-German vaseline sure does help!… Still, Holland allowing US troops to use Rotterdam ports… Ik weet het niet!… 6 months ago the US government passed a law decreeing that the US military must invade Holland! if US soldiers are held by the Hague’s International Court on war crime charges… Saving Private Ryan… or rather today’s version, Saving Private Afrojackson, Corporal Highschool-Dropout, Sergeant LaCucaracha… since the US military’s lower-ranks are mostly blacks & Hispanics…po… boys…their one way out of America’s barbaric barrios & ghettoes via the Holy American Army… retro-medieval!… But wouldn’t that be something?… the US Navy’s 5th Fleet anchored off ScheveningenPier!… porn-brained US soldiers storming ashore on a hot summer’s day to save Private Chihuahua…but instead tripping over their tongues… slipping on their drool…what’s that you report, captain!?… the beach is a minefield of Dutch women’s boobs!… Topless sunbathers!… Heineken flowing naked chicks bare-breasted beach volleyball!… jesusHchrist!… Navy Seals collapsing from nipple fever before they reach the Kurhaus!… “General!, the soldiers who landed on Nude Beach are humping the sand!”… But I digress… or do I… Anti-Americanism… hallelujah… Just do it!… Buy Adidas.
Hè-hè… about time, Eurofools!… protest marches… diplomatic left-hooks & straight rights from Paris & Berlin… finally starting to pull your EUropean heads out of Mickey Mouse’s butt!… developing a healthy strain of Anti-Americanism… e0.9 to the US dollar!… Only money talks in the U$A!… Never forget that!…. e0.9 to the US dollar = Euro-fear!… You heard those US politicians… Europe dares disagree, Europe’s “evil”!… baby-talk… pathetically drudging up Europe’s paid-off WWII debt… yawn… children, how far you want to go back?… All the way?… If it wasn’t for Europe, there’d be no America!… You see it, a bullying Baby Huey wearing a stinky stars&stripes diaper, that’s Bush’s America… Weaken the EU politically & economically, that’s the bottom-line Yank-Brit goal… “old” Europe?…Finally, Europe has stopped behaving like Uncle Sam’s dog!… That’s new Europe, Dumbsfeld!… When I first arrived in Holland 13 years ago, a refugee from Reagan’s Sodom… to my dismay what did I find? Holland, Europe on its knees… swallowing America whole… lock stock & barrel… no questions asked… US plastic-pop-cultural-commercial crap pouring in by road rail & sea faster than you could say Mr. T!… backed by a flunky Mariah Carey beat!… You Dutch 30-somethings out there, I’ll never let you forget!… Remember!… cowboy boots… cowboy boots for christsakes! on all your Dutch feet… 13 years ago… puffing Marlboros… on every straat and plein new businesses opening with “America” or “USA” in their names… a wholesale “American-style” sellout… Cool, stylish Europe I’d read about in novels… disappeared up into Mickey’s small intestine!… I tried to warn my Dutch friends, America’s a brothel run by perverted marketing pimps who lust for your sons & daughters!… but they’d just stare at me incredulously, like a 4-year-old just told that Santa Claus doesn’t really exist… So it’s really not surprising Holland betrayed its EU brothers over Iraq…compared to Germany & France, Holland’s still lost in Mickey’s duodenum!… and besides, Holland is a nation of shopkeepers, that’s its ethos… middlemen, traders, Meneer 10%… the CDA-VVD are smart businessmen first… servicing the Yanks for a price… foreign investments, military supply contracts… This time Holland honors its commitments… good business practice, natuurlijk!… But next time the Dutch are good EUropeans… it takes time to disinvest…to escape from Mickey’s reet!… But man that new Franco-German vaseline sure does help!… Still, Holland allowing US troops to use Rotterdam ports… Ik weet het niet!… 6 months ago the US government passed a law decreeing that the US military must invade Holland! if US soldiers are held by the Hague’s International Court on war crime charges… Saving Private Ryan… or rather today’s version, Saving Private Afrojackson, Corporal Highschool-Dropout, Sergeant LaCucaracha… since the US military’s lower-ranks are mostly blacks & Hispanics…po… boys…their one way out of America’s barbaric barrios & ghettoes via the Holy American Army… retro-medieval!… But wouldn’t that be something?… the US Navy’s 5th Fleet anchored off ScheveningenPier!… porn-brained US soldiers storming ashore on a hot summer’s day to save Private Chihuahua…but instead tripping over their tongues… slipping on their drool…what’s that you report, captain!?… the beach is a minefield of Dutch women’s boobs!… Topless sunbathers!… Heineken flowing naked chicks bare-breasted beach volleyball!… jesusHchrist!… Navy Seals collapsing from nipple fever before they reach the Kurhaus!… “General!, the soldiers who landed on Nude Beach are humping the sand!”… But I digress… or do I… Anti-Americanism… hallelujah… Just do it!… Buy Adidas.
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