ChurchOn 8 July all English speaking students from any denomination are warmly invited to attend an ecumenical service in the Raamstraat 78 (behind Central Station).
We start at 11.30 a.m. and stay after church for a cup of coffee and tea. The service will be led by Reverent Waltraut Stroh. If you are away from home and looking for a Christian fellowship, if during your busy time of studies you need some time for prayer and reflection you are welcome to join our student church.
Information: Reverent Waltraut Stroh, 070-3297624, e-mail:
Optional course (keuzevak) at Universiteit Leiden (Leiden University). Space Law (ruimterecht). In the first trimester Prof. Haanappel will teach Space Law. The course is open to both foreign (7 ects) and Dutch (5 sp) students. Lectures in the course in Space Law will take place in ‘Academiegebouw’ (the Academic Building) room 3, Rapenburg 73 each Monday, starting 17 September, from 11:00-13:00 hours, finishing 3 December. The exam will be held on 10 December in the morning. Students can register for this course each Monday from 11:00-17:00 hours at the Institute of Air and Space Law or by e-mail.
Information and registration, Hugo de Grootstraat 27A, 071-5277724, or e-mail:, or at the homepage of the Institute of Air and Space Law at
On 8 July all English speaking students from any denomination are warmly invited to attend an ecumenical service in the Raamstraat 78 (behind Central Station). We start at 11.30 a.m. and stay after church for a cup of coffee and tea. The service will be led by Reverent Waltraut Stroh. If you are away from home and looking for a Christian fellowship, if during your busy time of studies you need some time for prayer and reflection you are welcome to join our student church.
Information: Reverent Waltraut Stroh, 070-3297624, e-mail:
Optional course (keuzevak) at Universiteit Leiden (Leiden University). Space Law (ruimterecht). In the first trimester Prof. Haanappel will teach Space Law. The course is open to both foreign (7 ects) and Dutch (5 sp) students. Lectures in the course in Space Law will take place in ‘Academiegebouw’ (the Academic Building) room 3, Rapenburg 73 each Monday, starting 17 September, from 11:00-13:00 hours, finishing 3 December. The exam will be held on 10 December in the morning. Students can register for this course each Monday from 11:00-17:00 hours at the Institute of Air and Space Law or by e-mail.
Information and registration, Hugo de Grootstraat 27A, 071-5277724, or e-mail:, or at the homepage of the Institute of Air and Space Law at

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