ChurchOn 9 september all English speaking students from any denomination are warmly invited to attend an ecumenical service in the Raamstraat 78 (behind Central Station).
We start at 11.30 a.m. and stay after church for a cup of coffee and tea. The service will be led by Reverent Roland Price. If you are away from home and looking for a Christian fellowship, if during your busy time of studies you need some time for prayer and reflection you are welcome to join our student church.
Information: Reverent Waltraut Stroh, 070-3297624, e-mail:
Amelia Earhart fellowship award. Zonta International invites qualified women to apply for an annual grant of $ 6000 to do graduate study in aerospace – related sciences. Required is the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in a qualifying area. The grant may be used in any institution offering fully accredited graduated courses and degrees in the subject mentioned. This fellowship may help support a woman working towards her Ph.D. or doing postdoc work in aerospace-related sciences or engineering.
Applications must be received at Zonta International Headquarters by November 15.
Information and application forms: P.R. Pfluger 020-5255204, e-mail or M.Meyerink 050-4091144, e-mail or visit the Website
If you have short announcements to place, please send them to:
On 9 september all English speaking students from any denomination are warmly invited to attend an ecumenical service in the Raamstraat 78 (behind Central Station). We start at 11.30 a.m. and stay after church for a cup of coffee and tea. The service will be led by Reverent Roland Price. If you are away from home and looking for a Christian fellowship, if during your busy time of studies you need some time for prayer and reflection you are welcome to join our student church.
Information: Reverent Waltraut Stroh, 070-3297624, e-mail:
Amelia Earhart fellowship award. Zonta International invites qualified women to apply for an annual grant of $ 6000 to do graduate study in aerospace – related sciences. Required is the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in a qualifying area. The grant may be used in any institution offering fully accredited graduated courses and degrees in the subject mentioned. This fellowship may help support a woman working towards her Ph.D. or doing postdoc work in aerospace-related sciences or engineering.
Applications must be received at Zonta International Headquarters by November 15.
Information and application forms: P.R. Pfluger 020-5255204, e-mail or M.Meyerink 050-4091144, e-mail or visit the Website
If you have short announcements to place, please send them to:

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