IfesIfes-Delft is a group of Dutch Christian students organising activities especially for international students. Every last Saturday of the month we organise an intercultural evening.
The evening starts with a meal (it’s for free and no subscription is needed) and is followed by an evening program.
On February 24, there will be an Arty Party. Under the watchful eye of a professional artist, you can paint the impression you have about The Netherlands and in this way express yourself! In other cities this has been done before and it was a great success. An exhibition of the best results is going around this country, and possibly your piece of art can be added to it!
Place and time: Oude Delft 251, Delft, 18.00h.
Information: Gerrit Benschop, 015-2567808, e-mail: ifes-delft@oli.tudelft.nl, URL: www.tudelft.oli.nl/ifes-delft
English speaking students from all churches are invited to attend an ecumenical service on February 25 at 11.30 a.m. in the Raamstraat 78 (behind the station). The service will be led by Rev.Waltraut Stroh. After church we will go to Rotterdam and visit there the Pauluskerk (Paul’s Church). This church is famous in the Netherlands for their pioneering involvement in social actions with homeless, drug addicts, refugees and other groups of people who form part of our big cities but are generally not well accepted. This may give you some insight in a part of the Netherlands which a tourist may not see.
Information: wfstroh@xs4all.nl or 070-3297624.
Bowling Party March 2 at 9.45am. Bring your children along to the ING Bowling Morning. There you will be supplied with special bowling shoes and shown how to play the game. This is a great opportunity for you to find out all about ten-pin bowling and try your hand at this fun sport. Afterwards, refreshments will be provided – all at no cost to you.
Please note: It is important to be there on time, as we have the bowling alleys reserved for one hour only. So please be on time!
Place: ‘t Karrewiel Bowling Centre, Paardenmarkt 74, Delft (in the centre of town).
Please note that the Visitor’s Information Point, Mekelweg 4, Delft, is now situated in room 612 and not room 512.
Information: ING Meeting Point, Hotel Sebastiaansbrug, Zusterlaan 114, every Wednesday from 10-12 noon or the VI point, ITS building, room 6.12 from 9.00am-4.30pm, Monday-Friday. Membership is free and you will receive a Newsletter every month.
One of the best ways to teach students physics is to have them work through problems themselves. In the physics course for first year electrical engineering students, there is an instruction session every week where the students solve problems under the guidance of an instructor. We are now experimenting with an internet-based system (by Peter Hadley) that records the progress of the individual students. This system provides the students with more feedback about how their studies are proceeding and it provides the instructors with information concerning which problems the students find most difficult.
Place and time: Hall F, Lorentzweg 1, Delft, 11.00h.
Information: 015-2782461.
If you have short announcements to place, please send them to: redactie@delta.tudelft.nl
Ifes-Delft is a group of Dutch Christian students organising activities especially for international students. Every last Saturday of the month we organise an intercultural evening. The evening starts with a meal (it’s for free and no subscription is needed) and is followed by an evening program.
On February 24, there will be an Arty Party. Under the watchful eye of a professional artist, you can paint the impression you have about The Netherlands and in this way express yourself! In other cities this has been done before and it was a great success. An exhibition of the best results is going around this country, and possibly your piece of art can be added to it!
Place and time: Oude Delft 251, Delft, 18.00h.
Information: Gerrit Benschop, 015-2567808, e-mail: ifes-delft@oli.tudelft.nl, URL: www.tudelft.oli.nl/ifes-delft
English speaking students from all churches are invited to attend an ecumenical service on February 25 at 11.30 a.m. in the Raamstraat 78 (behind the station). The service will be led by Rev.Waltraut Stroh. After church we will go to Rotterdam and visit there the Pauluskerk (Paul’s Church). This church is famous in the Netherlands for their pioneering involvement in social actions with homeless, drug addicts, refugees and other groups of people who form part of our big cities but are generally not well accepted. This may give you some insight in a part of the Netherlands which a tourist may not see.
Information: wfstroh@xs4all.nl or 070-3297624.
Bowling Party March 2 at 9.45am. Bring your children along to the ING Bowling Morning. There you will be supplied with special bowling shoes and shown how to play the game. This is a great opportunity for you to find out all about ten-pin bowling and try your hand at this fun sport. Afterwards, refreshments will be provided – all at no cost to you.
Please note: It is important to be there on time, as we have the bowling alleys reserved for one hour only. So please be on time!
Place: ‘t Karrewiel Bowling Centre, Paardenmarkt 74, Delft (in the centre of town).
Please note that the Visitor’s Information Point, Mekelweg 4, Delft, is now situated in room 612 and not room 512.
Information: ING Meeting Point, Hotel Sebastiaansbrug, Zusterlaan 114, every Wednesday from 10-12 noon or the VI point, ITS building, room 6.12 from 9.00am-4.30pm, Monday-Friday. Membership is free and you will receive a Newsletter every month.
One of the best ways to teach students physics is to have them work through problems themselves. In the physics course for first year electrical engineering students, there is an instruction session every week where the students solve problems under the guidance of an instructor. We are now experimenting with an internet-based system (by Peter Hadley) that records the progress of the individual students. This system provides the students with more feedback about how their studies are proceeding and it provides the instructors with information concerning which problems the students find most difficult.
Place and time: Hall F, Lorentzweg 1, Delft, 11.00h.
Information: 015-2782461.
If you have short announcements to place, please send them to: redactie@delta.tudelft.nl

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