
Student exhibition about minerals

Student exhibition about minerals



From Thursday 27 January to Friday 11 February an exhibition of minerals can be seen throughout Delft. The exhibition is organized by TU students of the minor Spaces of Display.


The minerals on display include aluminum, copper, iron, gold, limestone and phosphorus. Minerals that all come from the collection of the Science Centre and were selected by the minor students. “We chose minerals that you use in everyday life,” says Frederique de Boer, one of the students involved. “Minerals that you often don’t realize are all around us. For example, in the food we eat or the things we use.”


The exhibition begins at Sint Agathaplein, where two crystal sculptures made of plastic are on display. From there, the route continues through the downtown area. Each mineral is depicted on a poster and has its own QR code. “The code leads to the Science Centre website where visitors learn more about the mineral in question. Through the QR code the minor projects of all participating students can be viewed as well.”


Originally the plan was to exhibit the minerals in the Prinsenkwartier. “Because of the corona measures, we had to look for a new solution,” says De Boer. “We are now working hard to get everything done in time, but the current solution is perhaps better. It’s more visible. Because the posters can be found scattered throughout the city, local residents might happen to run into them.” (AB)

(Foto: Science Centre)

News editor Annebelle de Bruijn

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