Pop-up vaccination location on campus
TU Delft students and employees can be vaccinated against Covid-19 on campus without an appointment. GGD Haaglanden will be present at sports and culture centre X from Tuesday 31 August with a temporary vaccination location.
An injection with Janssen or BioNTech/Pfizer can be taken without an appointment, without BSN (Citizen Service Number) and, if desired, without identification. That does not mean that everyone can just get a shot, explains a GGD employee. “It is mainly intended for international students, who do not always have a BSN number. In addition, we always ask about someone’s history: has that person already received a vaccination against corona before, for example.”
(Photo: Katja Wijnands)
Around noon, the doctor on duty vaccinated 26 people. Those who choose the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine can immediately schedule an appointment for a second shot in the sports hall.
GGD Haaglanden will be present at X (sports and culture centre) on Tuesday 31 August, Thursday 2, Wednesday 8 and Friday 10 September from 08:30-15:30. These days a mobile test unit of the GGD will also be present on the forecourt of X. Here you can get tested without an appointment. (MvdV)

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