Student life
Photo report

OWee day 2: busy info market and parties everywhere

On OWee Monday, everyone could go to the info market for goodies and, of course, information on everything to make the upcoming student life more beautiful. In the evening, all associations made it a party.

The info market at the Delft Markt. (Photo: Thijs van Reeuwijk)

No OWee without a Central Opening. In the Aula, the OWee committee and the university welcomed participants for an official kickoff. They were welcomed by vice-rector magnificus Rob Mudde, Delft alderman Maaike Zwart and TU sustainability coordinator Andy van den Dobbelsteen, among others. A real laser show completed the experience.

Vice-rector magnificus Rob Mudde during the Central Opening. (Photo: Thijs van Reeuwijk)

Recovering from a hangover from the Opening Party is best done on a boat. At least, that’s what the groups thought that boarded one of the tour boats for a trip through the Delft canals on Tuesday. We hope no one got seasick….

Cruising the Delft canals during the Canal Cruise. (Photo: Thijs van Reeuwijk)

At the information market it was sunny, busy and cozy. The event took place on the Markt and Brabantse Turfmarkt in the centre of Delft. Freshmen got to know the various associations and groups of foreign tourists feasted their eyes.

The info market at the Delft Markt. (Photo: Thijs van Reeuwijk)

Student association Slopend came up with an impressive scaffold. The survival runners had quite a challenge in store for the OWee participants. Who can make the wheel turn the most times while hanging on to his arms?

Student survival association Slopend at the info market. (Photo: Thijs van Reeuwijk)

Delta was also present at the information market. Did you score a bag or a friendship bracelet?

Delta at the information market. (Photo: Thijs van Reeuwijk)

Breaking ergometer records at the Laga rowing club. Are we seeing a future Olympian at work here?

Learning to row at Laga. (Foto: Thijs van Reeuwijk)

In the evening it’s all about the associations. This also applies to rowing club Laga: the raft is full. It’s called Vlotfeest (English: Raft Party) for a reason.

A fully loaded raft at Laga (Photo: Thijs van Reeuwijk).

Leek hitting at De Bolk: it is as simple as it sounds. Well, try explaining that at home.

Leek hitting at De Bolk. (Photo: Thijs van Reeuwijk)

Analyse, wait and then strike at the right moment. Freshmen score drinks as cheaply as possible during the Stock Exchange at DSB.

The Stock Exchange at DSB. (Photo: Thijs van Reeuwijk)

At student jazz club Groover, members and prospective students build a jazz party every night.

Good times at student jazz club Groover. (Photo: Thijs van Reeuwijk)
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