PeepshowPeepshow at student society Virgiel! You thought it was hard for men to finda date in Delft? Think again. On the dating site of student society K.S
.V. Sanctus Virgilius four female members of the women’s only club Fiera pose topless to draw male attention for the coming Virgiel-gala in Prague. Well, almost topless: the four proud blondes cover their nipples with their hands. The picture was first used in the yearbook for some Fiera-egoboosting, but now the ladies (or a housemate with pimp-potential?) decided to go digital. Interesting detail: one of the girls holds the title Miss Lustrum (‘Miss anniversary’). Want to evaluate the merchandise yourself? Internet knows no secrets.
Fatal phone
If you think the Dutch are foolishly addicted to their mobile phones, in Kenya three people died while trying to retrieve a mobile phone from a latrine. Student Dora Mwabela, from Mombasa,accidentally dropped here phone into a cesspool and offered a reward of one thousand shilling (12 euro’s,or a week’s salary for an ordinary Kenyan) to the person who would get it back for her. 30-year old technician Patrick Luhakha gave it a go. He broke open the floor of the toilet and used a ladder to climb down into the hole. He disappeared into the dark and after a while nothing was heard from him. Neighbor Kevin Wambua started a search and rescue operation, but slipped and fell into the cesspool. A third man followed, but he suffocated trying to help. The police stopped a fourth man from trying to enter the cesspool.
Peepshow at student society Virgiel! You thought it was hard for men to find
a date in Delft? Think again. On the dating site of student society K.S.V. Sanctus Virgilius four female members of the women’s only club Fiera pose topless to draw male attention for the coming Virgiel-gala in Prague. Well, almost topless: the four proud blondes cover their nipples with their hands. The picture was first used in the yearbook for some Fiera-egoboosting, but now the ladies (or a housemate with pimp-potential?) decided to go digital. Interesting detail: one of the girls holds the title Miss Lustrum (‘Miss anniversary’). Want to evaluate the merchandise yourself? Internet knows no secrets.
Fatal phone
If you think the Dutch are foolishly addicted to their mobile phones, in Kenya three people died while trying to retrieve a mobile phone from a latrine. Student Dora Mwabela, from Mombasa,accidentally dropped here phone into a cesspool and offered a reward of one thousand shilling (12 euro’s,or a week’s salary for an ordinary Kenyan) to the person who would get it back for her. 30-year old technician Patrick Luhakha gave it a go. He broke open the floor of the toilet and used a ladder to climb down into the hole. He disappeared into the dark and after a while nothing was heard from him. Neighbor Kevin Wambua started a search and rescue operation, but slipped and fell into the cesspool. A third man followed, but he suffocated trying to help. The police stopped a fourth man from trying to enter the cesspool.

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