Results for"professor of excellence"

Sprint Programme Delft University of Technology, VU Amsterdam and Radboud University Nijmegen have joined forces in the Sprint Programme.

Two Turkish females defending the position of women in Dutch academia… sounds ironic? Research by Bige Tuncer and Tuba Kocaturk, PhD candidates at TU Delft’s Architecture Faculty, revealed the reasons for the dismally low percentage of female academics employed by Dutch universities.

‘Duinen blijken te zwak’ kopte de voorpagina van de Telegraaf drie weken geleden. Het was het begin van een grote mediagolf die Marcel Stive niet had zien aankomen, maar die ons land wel rijp heeft gemaakt voor een maatschappelijke discussie over het overstromingsgevaar.

A new European Union (EU) subsidy program demands that European researchers work together in huge consortia to qualify for research funds. TU researchers are skeptical, doubting whether such large-scale projects can work and fearing the increased bureaucratic red tape involved.

Ode to Applied PhysicsThe TU should be proud of their applied physics education, according to review commission judges. A verbal report issued by the review commission last Thursday was an ode to excellence.