
Marjolein van der Veldt


Firefighting course on campus     Escape from a corridor full of smoke and test your security and privacy knowledge during the TU Delft Safety & Security Week.   From 9 to 15 October, TU Delft is participating in the national initiative for the sixth time. This year, the main focus is on security topics…

Interest on student loans will be five times higher next year, according to calculations by newspaper Het Financieele Dagblad. The rate will increase from 0.46 to 2.55 percent. Student organisations demand an interest cap.

Virgiel raises 6,700 euros for charity     Alcuin Amal, a committee of student association Virgiel, has raised 6,700.58 euros for charity by making radio for 24 hours.   In the Delft Blue House, a nod to 3FM’s Glazen Huis (an annual fundraiser, Eds.), a pair of Virgilians made radio for a day. During their…

STAP subsidy in demand for TU Delft courses     It is far from easy for anyone with an interest to get a STAP subsidy for a TU Delft Extension School course. In 2022, there was a trial of six courses. Out of 60 grant applications, 10 were awarded. In 2023, out of 37 applications,…

Paid parking on campus delayed again     The start date of the new parking policy on campus has again been postponed by a few months. Due to a shortage of materials and personnel at the suppliers, the necessary facilities such as barriers and pay machines will not be ready in time, reports the TU…

AccessAbility Week at TU Delft     Studying with a disability brings many challenges. Student Onbeperkt, the platform for TU Delft students with disabilities, is therefore organising the AccessAbility Week from 20 to 24 March in cooperation with support desk Horizon.   With a series of lectures and workshops, the platform wants to draw attention…