Via ‘Zoom’ heeft de achterban van het Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg een nieuw bestuur gekozen. De kandidaten komen uit Leiden, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen en Enschede. “Het is heel mooi dat we toch met zijn allen konden vergaderen”, zegt Kees Gillesse, tot eind juni voorzitter van het ISO. “Want we moeten de belangen van studenten ook in…
“In deze tijd gaat veel aandacht uit naar kwetsbare ouderen of alleenstaanden, maar eenzaamheid en psychische problemen komen verrassend vaker voor bij studenten”, schrijft politieke partij Stip op haar website. Zo worden psychische klachten bij studenten niet alleen veroorzaakt door stress van een studie, maar gaan ze vaak gepaard met een lastige thuissituatie, schulden of…
After completing his studies, Grandpa Rinus le Mahieu has seen plenty of his descendants at TU Delft. First his daughter Marie and now his grandchildren Maurice and Lauranne.
With borders rapidly closing, many international students have no option but to stay in The Netherlands. BEST Delft has words of encouragement: “We’re in this together.”
TU Delft students have almost rounded off their first week of online education. Whilst it brings challenges it also sparks creativity amongst the student community.
Given the coronavirus situation, there will be no lectures and teaching will be done digitally. Vice Rector Magnificus Rob Mudde explains what TU Delft is doing.
Friday 13 March is the first day that TU Delft students are unable to attend lectures and exams on campus. What does that look like?
A petition to make mandatory courses at TU Delft optional due to the coronavirus outbreak has been signed over 1050 times. The petition, initiated by the anonymous account TUDelft Student aims to give students the option to work from home. A precaution that TU Delft, as of last week, only advises students and employees with respiratory…
A petition to make mandatory courses at TU Delft optional due to the coronavirus outbreak has been signed over 1050 times. The petition, initiated by the anonymous account TUDelft Student aims to give students the option to work from home. A precaution that TU Delft, as of last week, only advises students and employees with respiratory…