During a visit to the OWee activities market, Queen Máxima and Minister Dijkgraaf heard about the importance of student associations for students’ welfare.
Thousands of freshmen are currently being introduced to Delft student life. Delta participates throughout the week, from racing to swimming. This was the Thursday.
Thousands of freshmen are currently being introduced to Delft student life. Delta participates throughout the week, from activity market to cantus. This was the Wednesday.
Thousands of freshmen are currently being introduced to Delft student life. Delta participates throughout the week, from gay bingo to leek slapping. This was the OWee Tuesday.
Two TU Delft graduates designed Step Out, a platform connecting students new to the city with the activities, events and workshops they enjoy.
Thousands of freshmen are currently being introduced to Delft student life. Delta participates throughout the week, this time from the information market.
Thousands of freshmen are currently being introduced to Delft student life. Delta participates throughout the week, from check-in to club parade. This was the OWee on Sunday.
Two out of three TU Delft students experience sexually transgressive behaviour during their studies. This was revealed in a survey by Delta.
In response to Delta’s research on sexual transgressive behaviour, Vice Rector Magnificus Rob Mudde says he is very concerned about the current student culture.