
Jos Wassink


The festive gathering in the auditorium for the university’s 176th birthday had two major themes. One, Rector Magnificus Karel Luyben transferred the rectorship to Tim van der Hagen. Two, the university openly committed itself to open science and open data.

Last year saw the successful launch of the environmental satellite, Tropomi. During an open lunch lecture, principle investigators Pieternel Levelt and Pepijn Veefkind will show and explain the first results.

When reducing energy use of buildings, Dr Ed Melet wants to put the inhabitants in charge. “People know perfectly well what to wear. So why wouldn’t they be able to control their indoor climate as well?”

Seeing images spring to life feels like the future of Instagram. Dr Jingtang Liao demonstrated his software that creates depth in 2D images. The next step is to bring this magic into the hands of smartphone users.