Quantum physicist Dr Gary Steele has been appointed Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Professor. With his devices, which combine mechanics with microwaves, Steele explores the far limits of quantum mechanics. Who says real things cannot be in two states at the same time?
Vorige week presenteerde Ed Nijpels de hoofdlijnen van het Nederlandse klimaatakkoord. Vijf sectoren lieten zien hoe ze de uitstoot van broeikasgassen tot 2030 gaan verminderen. Hoe kan de TU Delft daaraan bijdragen? TU-experts Paulien Herder en Aad Correljé hebben wel wat ideeën.
Beads, bones and arrowheads. Plenty of odd objects have found their way into the micro CT scanner at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG), but the clay table
Here’s an idea: close your working day with a visit to the Aerospace Engineering Faculty building this Friday. You can enjoy drinks and live poetry at the opening of the Poetry in Space exhibition.
People who pay per use tend to use their washing machine less often, and at lower temperatures, a TU Delft study finds. Pay-per-use business models make consumers act more sustainably, they say.
During the Shell Eco-marathon in London, the TU Delft Ecorunner reached the third place in the prototype category last weekend. Additionally, the Ecorunner team won the design award.
Land-ice loss from West Antarctica has tripled over the last decade, we heard last week. A new study in Science this week shows that the measured ice-loss was actually 10% short. But there is good news too.
Het Solar Boat Team legt in Purmerend de laatste hand aan de zonneboot. Het accupakket dat eerder deze week door een brand verloren ging is in een recordtempo vernieuwd. Het team zal komend weekend deelnemen aan het tweede deel van de Solar Sport One competitie alsof er niks gebeurd is.
On average, the Dutch non-profit housing stock will have a B energy label by 2021, promises the 2008 Energy Covenant. Instead, a C label is more likely, warns Dr Faidra Filippidou of the TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment, OTB.