English only Art or science? – The calculated wake of a ship’s jet propiusion (Image: DCSE) The TU Delft Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (DCSE) celebrates its first lustrum and the recent launch of the DelftBlue supercomputer in the ‘The art of scientific computing’ event on Friday 30 September in…
The Brunel Solar Team is currently playing leapfrog with the Belgian Agoria Team in the Sasol Solar Challenge in South Africa.
This year, at least 50 students chose the master’s Environmental Engineering programme at the CEG Faculty. Professor Merle de Kreuk talks about the how and why.
Artificial intelligence improves the prediction of heavy summer rainfall. Five Computer Science bachelor students built a web app for it: RainGuRu.
At the festive event, the TU Delft’s blue was accentuated with red: the colour that represents the lifelong bond that TU Delft pursues with its students and alumni.
NVR honours Emeritus Professor Heinz Stoewer The Dutch Space Society (NVR) will present the NVR Space Award on Wednesday evening 7 September to Emeritus Professor Heinz Stoewer. The NVR grants the Space Award to individuals who have made a major or pioneering contribution to Dutch space travel, according to NVR secretary Pieter Batenburg.…
The UvA wants to experiment with a quota for international students next year, writes the NRC newspaper. Otherwise, Dutch students would be squeezed out of popular programmes.
Many students know someone who has been drugged with GHB. Proving it is difficult, as is prevention. Eight TU Delft students are working on a detector for the iGEM.
Dry summers are no longer incidental, but a pattern. TU Delft researchers are working on solutions for the increasingly acute drought. A dossier with six parts.