The Indefinite Rental Contracts Act will come into effect on July 1. Then indefinite rental contracts will become the norm again. Student rooms are excluded from this Act. The House of Representatives had asked for an exception for foreign students. They should still be able to obtain temporary contracts. But the law now applies to
Violence, threats, persecution, sexual harassment, the withdrawal of research funds: worldwide, many scientists have to deal with these things, the global counts of Scholars at Risk, for instance, show. At the request of minister demissionary Dijkgraaf and UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation), Utrecht law professor Janneke Gerards collected more studies and they
Last academic year, more women than men were awarded a PhD. The difference was bigger than ever: 182 PhDs. This is mainly thanks to the medical sciences. How about at TU Delft? It happened once before that more women than men completed their PhDs at the Dutch universities. This was in 2020/2021 and the difference
Some members of the Utrechtsch Studenten Corps drew up a sexualising 'banga list' on 30 female students last week. Their parents are demanding action. The powerpoint 'Chick presentation year 23' contains (bikini) pictures of female students of the female student union UVSV. The students are mentioned by name. Pictures are accompanied by comments of the
With 144 HBO (university of applied sciences) credits in his pocket, a student asks for an exemption. He wants to start his final thesis at Leiden University for his bachelor's degree in Public Administration Sciences right away, but the university does not approve. Nor does the judge. The law speaks of 'Bachelor level', says the
Put knowledge and skills into practice and skip exams? In some programmes, it is possible. On Tuesday, the Lower House accepted the 'Learning Outcomes' bill. This will make it possible to swap certain subjects for practical work experience, allowing students to obtain their degree faster. It also allows them to demonstrate their grasp of certain
In terms of scientific impact, the Netherlands leads the world together with Switzerland, reports publisher Elsevier. This is mainly due to its many publications together with foreign researchers. According to Elsevier, the Netherlands scores 72 percent above world average in terms of scientific citations. The number of publications is also relatively high. Collaboration Especially publications
Bachelor’s students will not be included in the future screening of foreign students and researchers in sensitive fields, promises outgoing education minister Robbert Dijkgraaf.
Greater certainty for tenants. That was the aim of the Indefinite Rental Contracts Act (Wet vaste huurcontracten), which comes into effect on 1 July 2024. Last week it emerged that students have been included in a list of exemptions. What does that mean for your rental contract?