
Annebelle de Bruijn

According to a university spokesperson, no security guards in plainclothes walk around the campus of TU Delft nor has the university ever considered doing so. “We use two parties who are always recognisable. Our regular campus security is provided by G4S. But event security is also always recognisable,” said the spokesperson. Commotion arose on Monday

The fine for taking a long time to finish their studies is causing a lot of stress, worry and is making doing a degree programme in higher education extra hard for students with disabilities, says Marissa van der Tol, Chair of Student Onbeperkt. “And that while we already are 3-0 behind other students.” She argues for students with a disability being exempted from the ruling.

National student organisations have announced demonstrations, the youth branches of political parties have signed an urgent letter to Parliament, and House of Representative members expressed their concerns. There is much resistance against the ‘langstudeerboete’ promoted by the coalition parties. TU Delft student political parties have joined the protesters. “This will damage a group of students that actually need extra support.”