DWH/Outsite members were shocked when the rainbow flag was burnt last month. Still, Delft is more progressive than other cities, says one them to Delta.
Residents of the Stieltjesweg housing complex are receiving letters from hopefuls asking current residents to pass their lease onto them in exchange for cash. DUWO is shocked.
Ruim zestig Virgilianen werkten dit jaar hard aan hun lustrumtheaterstuk. Maandag staan ze in het Circustheater in Scheveningen.
Achttien leden van een Leuvense studentenvereniging krijgen werkstraffen en moeten schadevergoedingen betalen. Ze ontgroenden aspirant-lid Sanda Dia tot de dood erop volgde.
Who are the people who study or work at TU Delft? We meet them in Humans of TU Delft. This time: Brechtje Krijvenaar plans the Ringvaart Regatta, a 100-kilometre rowing event.
Every year, about 25 former students have to repay all their student loans, even though they obtained a diploma on time. They forgot to send the diploma to DUO.
Through Student in de Zon, Sieb Rodenburg and Berend Krans are helping student houses in Delft install solar panels. “We want to give students the option to be sustainable.”
Is it a medical emergency or can it wait a while? The government wants reduce the pressure on the emergency number 112. One of the target groups: international students.