TU Delft expects timely promotions Despite the corona crisis, TU Delft expects PhD students and postdocs to complete their research within the set time frame, says Jan Dirk Jansen, dean of Civil Engineering and Geosciences and chairman of the COVID-19 working group on finance. In the video below he says that we now face exceptional circumstances,…

Campus hospitality to reopen 15 June The Coffeestar in Coffee&Bikes, Sapori di Casa in The Fellowship, Tostiworld in Pulse and foodtruck Chicken Curry & Chips at Freezone C (Mekelpark, for the faculty TNW); these four catering establishments will reopen from 15 June until at least 28 August. The terraces of The Fellowship and the square…

De redactieraad van Delta, het journalistieke online platform van de TU Delft, zoekt twee nieuwe leden: een medewerker en een student met hart voor universitaire journalistiek. De redactieraad bestaat uit negen leden, onder wie studenten en medewerkers van de TU Delft en externe journalistiek deskundigen. Momenteel hebben wij vacatures voor een student en een medewerker…

EU geothermal energy programme in Delft The European Commission is investing €3.4 million in a research programme on the safe and efficient use of geothermal energy. A total of 13 PhD students are involved in this programme at four universities, five of which are PhD students in the geothermal research group at the TU Delft…

Salary increase of 3.0% as of 1 June Thanks to a final agreement between negotiators from the employers’ association VSNU and the trade unions, university employees will receive a pay increase of 3% as of 1 June. In addition, employees will also receive a one-off payment of 750 euros gross on the basis of a…

Free mooc certificates popular at TU Delft Nearly a thousand students and over 700 TU Delft staff have used the opportunity in recent months to obtain a free certificate for a mooc from edX. Moocs are open online courses. EdX is a platform on which TU Delft, but also institutions such as Harvard and MIT,…

Research energy built environment bundled Many people think of energy as electricity, but in households three quarters of the energy consumed is heat – mostly from natural gas. The phasing-out of gas production combined with climate targets is putting pressure on the large-scale development of climate-neutral buildings. As of 1 June, TU Delft is…

TU Delft is looking for a lot of AI talent Can artificial intelligence (AI) accelerate scientific progress? TU Delft is going to investigate this question across a large number of disciplines using the same number of TU Delft AI Labs. The research will start with eight research groups in the fields of materials science,…

Leuven: exams in an old brewery Hundreds of Flemish students at the same time are already taking exams on campus. The University of Ghent, for example, is organizing no less than 143 thousand exams in 200 different halls until the beginning of July, reports Het Laatste Nieuws. By far the largest location is the specially…

Currently no ombudsperson for students With the retirement of Niek Graafland, TU Delft students are currently without an ‘ombudsperson’. This person can act as an independent intermediary between the complainant and the subject of the complaint. A recruitment procedure for a replacement has not yet started, as became clear during a meeting of the Central Student Council with…