Friday, 465,852 students have received their first payment of the basic student grant. DUO has transferred a total of 130 million euros to students’ bank accounts.
Among many other topics, King Willem-Alexander’s 11th Throne Speech also touched on education and research. “The government supports young researchers and teachers”, he said.
Oud-studenten gaan in de toekomst zo’n 325 miljoen euro per jaar aan rente op hun studieschulden betalen, verwacht het ministerie van OCW. Dat blijkt uit de Rijksbegroting.
Meet Emergence, the newly accredited Dream Team that explores the intersection of art, science, and engineering.
A draft bill intended to better manage the intake of students from abroad gets a lot of comments. Higher education institutions are against it, others are enthusiastic.
Het bindend studieadvies (bsa) is toch niet controversieel, vindt de Tweede Kamer. Op 12 september is het onderwerp onverwachts weggestemd van de lijst met taboeonderwerpen.
What will higher education look like in the year 2040? Outgoing Minister of Education Robbert Dijkgraaf published his long-awaited Foresight Study. It’s time to talk.
Artificial intelligence is everywhere. Also in Delft, as the theme of the opening of the academic year. Outgoing minister and alumnus Van Gennip had a call for students.
Docenten aan universiteiten hebben vaker dan voorheen een vast contract, al is nog altijd de helft in tijdelijke dienst. De TU is koploper vaste contracten voor docenten.