The interest rate on student debt is going up, but not everyone will notice straight away. At the same time, some ex-students may actually end up paying more than you think.
The Netherlands ranks among the top ten countries that invest heavily in higher education, says the OECD. But the education ministers strive for the top five.
On Prinsjesdag (budget day), the Dutch government flogged millions of euros to maintain spending power. What will students notice? The measures in a row.
To combat discrimination, collecting data on the migration background of students and staff may be a ‘necessary evil’. This is a conclusion drawn by The Young Academy.
“Grote investeringen in mbo, hoger onderwijs en wetenschap brengen rust en ruimte voor docenten en studenten”, zei de koning in de Troonrede. Buiten voerden LSVb en ISO actie.
De Raad van State heeft scherpe kritiek op het wetsvoorstel voor een nieuwe basisbeurs. De raad adviseert het wetsvoorstel aan te passen.
Universiteiten kunnen hun studentenaantal nauwelijks aan, terwijl hbo’s minder studenten trekken. De oplossing ligt voor de hand: beroepsgerichte universiteiten.
The Brunel Solar Team is currently playing leapfrog with the Belgian Agoria Team in the Sasol Solar Challenge in South Africa.
This year, at least 50 students chose the master’s Environmental Engineering programme at the CEG Faculty. Professor Merle de Kreuk talks about the how and why.