More than a year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, universities are managing to survive thanks to tough staff. “For Russians the war is political, for us it’s personal.”
De basisbeurs keert terug in september en is bovendien iets hoger vanwege inflatie. Een plan om die inflatiecorrectie ook andere jaren toe te passen, gaat niet door. Waarom?
In the years ahead, the government will cut 200 million euros from higher education and student financing budgets, for a large part at the expense of first-year students.
Recently, Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf unfolded his plans for channelling the intake of international students. The initial reactions are cautiously optimistic.
Minister Dijkgraaf is putting forward legislation to channel the influx of international students. There will be central direction, but what it will look like remains unclear.
Wie eenmaal aan het werk is, zou zich soms moeten bijscholen of omscholen, vindt het kabinet. Voor dit ‘leven lang leren’ zien universiteiten graag een structurele bekostiging
To give more international students the chance to learn Dutch, Student Council member Abdelkader Karbache would like to add a MOOC to the current range of courses.
Are Chinese PhD candidates obliged to report to their embassy? The minister is having that investigated. Sources tell Delta they have to, but do not always take it seriously.
Legal action is being taken against Dutch universities by The Rights Forum as they should be providing more information about their contacts with ‘pro-Israel’ organisations.