Gautum Vishwanath from Bangalore is winner of the Delft Urban Water Movie Contest, for his movie entitled ‘Well. Water. Waste. Wealth.’ The Delft Urban Water Movie Contest challenges people to present ideas about living with water in a city.
In Vishwanaths film we descend into a water well, and hear what happens as we use it or pollute it. Water problems in India’s cities are many, but Mr Vishnwanath shows inventive solutions to close the urban cycles of water, nutrients and food. According to the jury, the film maker ‘presents out-of-the-box solutions that show how big problems can be answered by small and pragmatic actions’. Vishwanath won €1000 .
The second prize of the contest, the iPad, went to “City=Catchment Area” by David Ginting and Ravina Binol. The jury liked the clear and convincing story-line and was impressed by the creative and speedy sketch-wise presentation supporting the movie’s message.
The contest is sponsored by Delft Urban Water Centre, a partnership of four organizations: TU Delft, Unesco-IHE, Deltares and KWR Watercycle Research Institute.
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