A website to help combat the increasing number of infections
A website with important information and tips on the coronavirus should combat the increasing number of infections among students.
On thuisbesmet.nl (Dutch only), an initiative of the Delft Chamber of Associations (VeRa), the municipality, TU Delft and the GGD Delft students are called upon to turn the tide. “It is 5 to 12 in Delft”, the initiators write. “If we drastically change our behavior now, we can still prevent a lockdown in Delft”.
On the website students will find general information about the coronavirus (what to do if you are in home isolation) and urgent advice (don’t enter other houses unless you can’t avoid it). Students are also asked not to visit supermarkets between 8 a.m. and noon, so that people in high-risk groups can do their shopping safely.
To reinforce the appeal, the initiators outline what can happen if students do not abide by the rules “At the moment that residents of Delft are forced into a local lockdown, the physical education, sports and socializing in cafes is over. All the more reason to encourage yourself, friends and roommates to really stick to the measures”.
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