Investigation into fire in student flat
How could a fire start in a student flat in Den Bosch in the night of Sunday to Monday, in the apartment on the second floor of a student who was not at home? An investigation into this has been started. The building with sixty apartments was allegedly renovated a few months ago by the BrabantWonen housing corporation to make it more fireproof, according (link in Dutch) to the Brabants Dagblad.
Dozens of students had to leave their homes, one of them with minor injuries, after a fire started around 2:30 AM. A resident saw the flames burst from the building and called 112. There were 35 students in the building, reports (in Dutch) Omroep Brabant.
Because the smoke quickly spread through the entire building, some of them could not get out themselves. They had to be taken out of the building by the fire department using a ladder truck. For the time being, 24 residents have to sleep somewhere else. BrabantWonen has accommodated them in a hotel in the city center. (HOP, Evelien Flink)
- On the website of the fire department there are all kinds of tips (in Dutch) about making your student house fireproof. There is even an app that makes a game of it.
- The Landelijke Studentenvakbond (National Union of Students) has also produced a fire safety check (in Dutch) for students.
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