Architecture goes vegetarian
All canteens at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment are switching to a fully vegetarian menu. Het Ketelhuis kicked off on 3 May and immediately had a scoop: it is the first Dutch university cafetaria that no longer sells meat.
The vegetarian concept is part of the Climate Action Programme – TU Delft aims to be CO2 neutral by 2030 – and stems from an inventory of its own CO2 emissions. Food consumed on campus was one of the top three emitters of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in 2018. “So if we are serious about climate action, our food pattern must also change,” says sustainability coordinator Andy van den Dobbelsteen. “The university has always had strongly meat-oriented catering. If we switch to a vegetarian and vegan menu, it will save more than half of the emissions caused by food.”
The vegetarian assortment was drawn up in cooperation with caterer Cirfood, with value for money being one of the main pillars. Attention is also paid to other opportunities for sustainability, such as food packaging and cutlery. (MvdV)
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