“The distance between places is too far to use a bicycle. Everyone uses a motorcycle instead,” he explained. Adzkiya left his motorcycle behind in 2010 to complete a PhD at Delft. Therefore, he should not have been surprised when the photographer pointed out that his bicycle model usually comes with a motor. Although you can take the man out of Indonesia, you apparently cannot take the motorcycle-lover out of the man.
Adzkiya was not looking to spend a lot of money when he purchased his bicycle at a secondhand shop near the Roland Holstlaan. “I brought a friend with me. He told me that this one was good enough and would be fine for a long time. He is quite an expert.” With his friend’s seal of approval, he bought the bicycle and has been riding it for the past two years. “The bike felt slow in the beginning, but now I really enjoy it.”
Adzkiya likes to bike here in the Netherlands. “It is nice because we have a special route.”
Like many international students, he struggles to bike in difficult weather. “If the wind is hard or there is snow, it is terrible!”
He limits his bike use to the weekdays. “I just use it to go to the office,” he shared. On the weekend he prefers to walk around Delft with his wife and their young son. However, now that his son is learning to go from walking to running, he may need to get his bicycle out a little more often.
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