Bauke Steenhuisen and Jeroen Manders created a special sonnet about all the nominees of the Best Graduate Award 2016.
To win or almost win, that is the question.
Will Simone’s turbulence and heat
transferring radiation outcompete
Tamara’s understanding of depression’s
hidden neurological causation?
Will Andrea’s urban vision beat
the rest? Or is how Joeri got to read
the waves what makes the finest graduation?
Laparoscopy makes the coolest word
but modelling governance is probably
the hardest, for its softness.
The model is so far up and running, a nice overview is made of the situation inside the wards and the structural guys made an assessment tool for the outfall sluices. But besides work there was still time to finally see something of the vast rainforest of Guyana and the beautiful waterfalls. And we met a Dutchmen who traded his life in the Netherlands to work as consul for the Netherlands. Things get blurred.
Could surfaces because they’re wobbly
lose from how a cell works? It’s absurd
exciting nonsense, and pure poetry.
More about the Best Graduate Award, won by Olaf van Campenhout, at the University Fund website.
Bauke Steenhuisen (universiteit docent bij de faculteit TBM) en Jeroen Manders (zanger, acteur, tekstschrijver, componist en voormalig IO student) verdichtten tussen december 2014 en maart 2017 42 keer een Delftse afstudeerscriptie of proefschrift tot een sonnet. Illustraties waren van Ella Nitters.
Poetic Engineering / Poetic Engineering
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