

From a shortage of rooms to fraudulent landlords

Climate action is an important aspect for TU Delft, and needs to be expressed in its education and research. It should also be reflected in its own purchasing policy and its energy consumption. At the same time, protesters are putting it under pressure to do more and to take action such as ending ties with the fossil fuel industry. Read all about it in this dossier.


The climate crisis is so important that sustainability must be included in every single decision, writes Otto Kaaij, our new student columnist. While he believes that TU Delft is making good progress, it is not there yet and an advertising hoarding is the crazy proof of this.


For the last time, a researcher from the GSE Department earns a doctoral degree for research into oil production. It was a long journey to this point, says the Department Chair. “If we would continue oil-based research, we would uphold the status quo. But don’t say we should not work with the fossil fuel industry at all.”