FilmFilmhuis LumenTel. 015-214 02 26The Goddess Of 1967, thurs to wed.
19:30; De goddess is none other than a salmon pink Citroën, in which a Japanese guy and a blind Australian girl travel through Australia, in search of the car’s original owner, because, apparently, besides watching MTV, getting wired on Coca Cola, and contemplating getting a tattoo, these two have got nothing better to do. Yes siree, in the long tradition, it’s a Road movie, and remains one provided the blind girl doesn’t drive.
Memento, thurs. to wed. (not on Sunday) 22:00; If you ever wondered what would happen if you lost your short-term memory, killed your wife, lived your life backwards, and gave yourself tattoos with a hot ball-point pen, go see this movie.
Tel. 015-212 38 55
Bounce, thurs to wed. 17:00, 19:30; Guy swaps his plane ticket with another guy who’s hurrying to home to his wife and children for Christmas. Plane crashes, Dad dies and lucky guy who swapped his ticket is swamped with guilt. So, a year later he goes in search of the dead Dad%s family. Cue the melodramatic music, roll out the clichés, choke down the formula, cause lucky guy and widow are about to fall in Luv.
The Mummy Returns, thurs to wed. 19:15 and 22:00; Great special effects if you can overlook the wooden acting, dull script and cynical cashing in on success of the first film
Tel. 015-212 32 51
The Mexican, thurs. to wed. 18:30 (sun. not at 18:30, but at 15:00); Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts bring A-list Hollywood star power to a film that beat Hannibal at US box-offices. Gangster Pitt must smuggle a weapon, named the Mexican, into the US. His girlfriend, Roberts, ain’t happy about this turn of events.
Delft City Centre:
Mooi Weer Spelen, sat. 14:00 to 23:30, and sun. 13:00 to 18:00.
Tel. 015%212 44 46
Beatsclub: Funbeats R&B Party, fri. 23:00; Experience Speakers, sat. 23:00; PopQuiz Connecties, sun. 14:30; Salsa Sunday, sun. 20:00; Videolab: Chicken Run, tues. 21:00.
Tel. 015-212 47 42
Triangle, fri. 23:00; Underground, sat. 22:00.
Techniek Museum
Tel. 015-213 83 11
Dynamic force and workshop machines, permanent; Van Telraam to Chip, permanent; Holography, permanent;
Tel. 015-215 05 00
Delftse Art Nouveau, study and design 1880-1914, artisticexpression according to Delft professors and artists Adolf Le Comte, Karel Sluyterman and Bram Gips, fri. to 30th Sept;
Military history of the Netherlands and the Royal House of Orange, permanent collection of weapons, clothes, harnesses, paintings.
Volkenkundig Museum Nusantara
Tel. 015-260 23 58
Permanent collection detailing the Netherlands Indies and Indonesia.
Het Prinsenhof:
De Aert of the family van de Goes van Naters, until Feb. 25; Panorama of Delft, paintings and drawings by Aart Houtman.
Paintings and tools in the city history, artistic expression and art, permanent.
Haags Gemeentemuseum
Stadhouderslaan 41, Den Haag,
Tel: 070-33 81 111,
Auke de Vries: Costume design for the Friesian army, until November 12;
Faculteit Bouwkunde
Berlageweg 1
De Amstel canals of Berlage, color photos by Kees Stoffels, until June 16th.
Nai (Dutch Architecture Institute)
Tel. 010-440 12 00
J.J.P. Oud – Philip Johnson, a dialogue, the largest ever exhibition about one of the 20th centuries most famous architects, until September 9th
Museum Paul Tétar van Elven
Tel. 015-212 42 06
A piece done with a pen, until October 28th.
Filmhuis Lumen
Tel. 015-214 02 26
The Goddess Of 1967, thurs to wed. 19:30; De goddess is none other than a salmon pink Citroën, in which a Japanese guy and a blind Australian girl travel through Australia, in search of the car’s original owner, because, apparently, besides watching MTV, getting wired on Coca Cola, and contemplating getting a tattoo, these two have got nothing better to do. Yes siree, in the long tradition, it’s a Road movie, and remains one provided the blind girl doesn’t drive.
Memento, thurs. to wed. (not on Sunday) 22:00; If you ever wondered what would happen if you lost your short-term memory, killed your wife, lived your life backwards, and gave yourself tattoos with a hot ball-point pen, go see this movie.
Tel. 015-212 38 55
Bounce, thurs to wed. 17:00, 19:30; Guy swaps his plane ticket with another guy who’s hurrying to home to his wife and children for Christmas. Plane crashes, Dad dies and lucky guy who swapped his ticket is swamped with guilt. So, a year later he goes in search of the dead Dad%s family. Cue the melodramatic music, roll out the clichés, choke down the formula, cause lucky guy and widow are about to fall in Luv.
The Mummy Returns, thurs to wed. 19:15 and 22:00; Great special effects if you can overlook the wooden acting, dull script and cynical cashing in on success of the first film
Tel. 015-212 32 51
The Mexican, thurs. to wed. 18:30 (sun. not at 18:30, but at 15:00); Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts bring A-list Hollywood star power to a film that beat Hannibal at US box-offices. Gangster Pitt must smuggle a weapon, named the Mexican, into the US. His girlfriend, Roberts, ain’t happy about this turn of events.
Delft City Centre:
Mooi Weer Spelen, sat. 14:00 to 23:30, and sun. 13:00 to 18:00.
Tel. 015%212 44 46
Beatsclub: Funbeats R&B Party, fri. 23:00; Experience Speakers, sat. 23:00; PopQuiz Connecties, sun. 14:30; Salsa Sunday, sun. 20:00; Videolab: Chicken Run, tues. 21:00.
Tel. 015-212 47 42
Triangle, fri. 23:00; Underground, sat. 22:00.
Techniek Museum
Tel. 015-213 83 11
Dynamic force and workshop machines, permanent; Van Telraam to Chip, permanent; Holography, permanent;
Tel. 015-215 05 00
Delftse Art Nouveau, study and design 1880-1914, artisticexpression according to Delft professors and artists Adolf Le Comte, Karel Sluyterman and Bram Gips, fri. to 30th Sept;
Military history of the Netherlands and the Royal House of Orange, permanent collection of weapons, clothes, harnesses, paintings.
Volkenkundig Museum Nusantara
Tel. 015-260 23 58
Permanent collection detailing the Netherlands Indies and Indonesia.
Het Prinsenhof:
De Aert of the family van de Goes van Naters, until Feb. 25; Panorama of Delft, paintings and drawings by Aart Houtman.
Paintings and tools in the city history, artistic expression and art, permanent.
Haags Gemeentemuseum
Stadhouderslaan 41, Den Haag,
Tel: 070-33 81 111,
Auke de Vries: Costume design for the Friesian army, until November 12;
Faculteit Bouwkunde
Berlageweg 1
De Amstel canals of Berlage, color photos by Kees Stoffels, until June 16th.
Nai (Dutch Architecture Institute)
Tel. 010-440 12 00
J.J.P. Oud – Philip Johnson, a dialogue, the largest ever exhibition about one of the 20th centuries most famous architects, until September 9th
Museum Paul Tétar van Elven
Tel. 015-212 42 06
A piece done with a pen, until October 28th.

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