FilmFilmhuis Lumen .Doelenplein 5 – Tel (015) 2140226Fast Food Fast Women, thurs. to wed.
20:00. Life’s a bitch if your mother’s one and you’re a 35-year old waitress with a married man for a boyfriend. Romance starring Anna Thomson
Delfia . .
Binnenwatersloot 1 – Tel (015) 2123855
The Mummy Returns, thurs to wed. 21:30; Great special effects if you can overlook the wooden acting, dull script and cynical cashing in on success of the first film
Apollo . .
Voldersgracht 12 – Tel (015) 2123251
Pearl Harbor, thurs and mon. to wed. 20:00, fri. and sat. 18:15 and 21:45, sun. 15:00 and 21:00; Bush W. is in the House, so let those all-American warrior hero types out of the closet, where they’ve been growing stale ever since Ronnie Reagan’s Top Gun. Here, Hollywood’s up to its old tricks again, bankrupt of ideas so rehashing this tired old tale and not letting historical truth get in the way of a good, sentimental, romantic tale, starring Ben Afleck, the handsome devil. But, at least, Hollywood let the Japanese win, which is reason enough to see it.
Bridget Jones’ Diary, thurs. and mon. to wed. 18:45 and 21:45, fri. and sat. 18:30, 20:30, 22:45, sun. 15:00, 18:45 and 21:45; Film based on Helen Fielding’s bestselling book about a thirty-something career girl looking for love in all the wrong places and freting over fat, fashion, and f*#king. Not satire, as claimed, but ‘flatire’, a new genre cynically celebrating the shallowness it is supposedly satirizing.
Speakers . .
Burgwal 45/49 – Tel (015) 2124446
Summerdance, fri. and sat. 23:00; Salsa Sunday, sun. 20:00; Comedy Night with Jim Speelmans, Sjaak Bral, Bob McLaren, wed. 21:00.
Koornbeurs . .
Voldersgracht 1 – Tel (015) 2124742
Triangle, fri. 23:00; Underground, sat. 22:00.
Hofplaats (in front of Tweede Kamer in The Hague)
Hague Hip Hop Festival with Ambush and Extince, sat. 14:00.
Nederlands Congres Centrum
Churchillplein 10, The Hague – Tel (070) 3066366
North Sea Jazz festival, fri. July 13th to sun. 15th.
Van der Werfpark, Leiden
Werfpop, pop festival with Ellen ten Damme, Zuco 103 and Das Pop, sun. 13:30
Techniek Museum .
Ezelsveldlaan 61 – Tel (015) 2138311
Dynamic force and workshop machines, permanent; Van Telraam to Chip, permanent; Holography, permanent; NMi Museum Department of Weights and Measures: the development of fixed measurements, permanent.
Legermuseum . .
Korte Geer 1 – Tel (015) 2150500
Delftse Art Nouveau, study and design 1880-1914, artisticexpression according to Delftse professors and artists Adolf Le Comte, Karel Sluyterman and Bram Gips, fri. to 30th Sept;
Military history of the Netherlands and the Royal House of Orange, permanent collection of weapons, clothes, harnesses, paintings.
Volkenkundig Museum Nusantara
St Agathaplein 4 – Tel (015) 2602358
Permanent collection detailing the Netherlands Indies and Indonesia.
Het Prinsenhof .
St Agathaplein 1 – Tel (015) 2602358
Panorama of Delft, paintings and drawings by Aart Houtman.
Paintings and tools in the city history, artistic expression and art, permanent.
Haags Gemeentemuseum .
Stadhouderslaan 41, The Hague – Tel (070) 3381111
Auke de Vries: Costume design for the Friesian army, until November 12.
Nai (Netherlands Architecture Institute)
Museumpark 25, Rotterdam – Tel (010) 4401200
J.J.P. Oud – Philip Johnson, a dialogue, the largest ever exhibition about one of the 20th centuries most famous architects, until September 9th
Museum Paul Tétar van Elven
Koornmarkt 67 – Tel (015) 2124206
A piece done with a pen, until October 28th.
Filmhuis Lumen .
Doelenplein 5 – Tel (015) 2140226
Fast Food Fast Women, thurs. to wed. 20:00. Life’s a bitch if your mother’s one and you’re a 35-year old waitress with a married man for a boyfriend. Romance starring Anna Thomson
Delfia . .
Binnenwatersloot 1 – Tel (015) 2123855
The Mummy Returns, thurs to wed. 21:30; Great special effects if you can overlook the wooden acting, dull script and cynical cashing in on success of the first film
Apollo . .
Voldersgracht 12 – Tel (015) 2123251
Pearl Harbor, thurs and mon. to wed. 20:00, fri. and sat. 18:15 and 21:45, sun. 15:00 and 21:00; Bush W. is in the House, so let those all-American warrior hero types out of the closet, where they’ve been growing stale ever since Ronnie Reagan’s Top Gun. Here, Hollywood’s up to its old tricks again, bankrupt of ideas so rehashing this tired old tale and not letting historical truth get in the way of a good, sentimental, romantic tale, starring Ben Afleck, the handsome devil. But, at least, Hollywood let the Japanese win, which is reason enough to see it.
Bridget Jones’ Diary, thurs. and mon. to wed. 18:45 and 21:45, fri. and sat. 18:30, 20:30, 22:45, sun. 15:00, 18:45 and 21:45; Film based on Helen Fielding’s bestselling book about a thirty-something career girl looking for love in all the wrong places and freting over fat, fashion, and f*#king. Not satire, as claimed, but ‘flatire’, a new genre cynically celebrating the shallowness it is supposedly satirizing.
Speakers . .
Burgwal 45/49 – Tel (015) 2124446
Summerdance, fri. and sat. 23:00; Salsa Sunday, sun. 20:00; Comedy Night with Jim Speelmans, Sjaak Bral, Bob McLaren, wed. 21:00.
Koornbeurs . .
Voldersgracht 1 – Tel (015) 2124742
Triangle, fri. 23:00; Underground, sat. 22:00.
Hofplaats (in front of Tweede Kamer in The Hague)
Hague Hip Hop Festival with Ambush and Extince, sat. 14:00.
Nederlands Congres Centrum
Churchillplein 10, The Hague – Tel (070) 3066366
North Sea Jazz festival, fri. July 13th to sun. 15th.
Van der Werfpark, Leiden
Werfpop, pop festival with Ellen ten Damme, Zuco 103 and Das Pop, sun. 13:30
Techniek Museum .
Ezelsveldlaan 61 – Tel (015) 2138311
Dynamic force and workshop machines, permanent; Van Telraam to Chip, permanent; Holography, permanent; NMi Museum Department of Weights and Measures: the development of fixed measurements, permanent.
Legermuseum . .
Korte Geer 1 – Tel (015) 2150500
Delftse Art Nouveau, study and design 1880-1914, artisticexpression according to Delftse professors and artists Adolf Le Comte, Karel Sluyterman and Bram Gips, fri. to 30th Sept;
Military history of the Netherlands and the Royal House of Orange, permanent collection of weapons, clothes, harnesses, paintings.
Volkenkundig Museum Nusantara
St Agathaplein 4 – Tel (015) 2602358
Permanent collection detailing the Netherlands Indies and Indonesia.
Het Prinsenhof .
St Agathaplein 1 – Tel (015) 2602358
Panorama of Delft, paintings and drawings by Aart Houtman.
Paintings and tools in the city history, artistic expression and art, permanent.
Haags Gemeentemuseum .
Stadhouderslaan 41, The Hague – Tel (070) 3381111
Auke de Vries: Costume design for the Friesian army, until November 12.
Nai (Netherlands Architecture Institute)
Museumpark 25, Rotterdam – Tel (010) 4401200
J.J.P. Oud – Philip Johnson, a dialogue, the largest ever exhibition about one of the 20th centuries most famous architects, until September 9th
Museum Paul Tétar van Elven
Koornmarkt 67 – Tel (015) 2124206
A piece done with a pen, until October 28th.
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